Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cappuccino cream torte

For fat less sponge
3 eggs
100g sugar
2 tsp vanilla sugar
80g plain flour (all purpose flour)
1 tsp baking powder
25g cornflour
For the filling:
5 sheets for clear gelatine
800g of chilled whipping cream
6 tsp instant espresso coffee powder
3 tbsp lukewarm water
50g sugar
3 tsp vanilla sugar
2 tbsp apricot jam
1 tbsp orange liquor(optional)
For garnishing:
50g dark chocolate

1. Grease the bottom of spring form mould and line with baking paper. Preheat the oven about 180 degree Celsius /gas mark 4/ fan oven 160 degree Celsius.
2. To make the sponge put the eggs in a mixing bowl and whisk with the hand mixer with the highest setting until foamy. Fold in sugar and vanilla sugar and whisk again for 2 minutes.
3. Mix together flour, baking powder and cornflour(cornstarch) and whisk briefly into egg and sugar mixture. Transfer the sponge into the spring form mould, smooth down the surface and bake in a preheated oven for about 25 minutes.
4. Take the sponge cake out of spring form mould, put on a cake rack and leave it to cool. Now cut the cake horizontally into 2 layers.
5. For the filling, soak the gelatine following the instructions on the packet. Whip the cream until stiff. Stir the water into cappuccino powder in a small pan.
6. Lightly squeeze the gelatine, then add the cappuccino powder and water mixture stirring over low heat until it has dissolved. Mix the sugar and vanilla sugar and stir into gelatin mixture. First stir 2 tablespoons of whipped cream into the gelatin mixture, then stir gelatin mixture into the rest of the whipped cream.
7. Put the bottom layer of the sponge pastry on a serving plate. Drizzle orange liquor over it and spread apricot jam on the top then put 2/3rd of the whipped cream on the top to form a dome. Put the top layer on the top of the whipped cream dome and press down lightly. Spread the rest of the whipped cream on the sides and top of the cake and make depressions in the cream by using back of the spoon. Refrigerate cake for at least 2 hours.
8. To decorate the cake, coarsely chop the cooking chocolate and spread it evenly over the cake.

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